
INGRESS exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the ingress resource.

why we need ingress : if we have load balancer services load balancer, then will have static ip and we cant afford if we have 100's of microservices in that case we can create ingress resource host based routing path based routing

supported ingress controller: nginx ingress

  1. install nginx ingress controller

  2. nginx controller will find for ingress service

nginx ingress control,

canary: we will have service and deployment for canary and production v1 - service and deployment , ingress v2 - service and deployment, ingress when we create ingress resource will define the traffic percentage using annotations in canary ingress resource

blue/green: will add v2 version in green deployment will just change the ingress resource service to green service


SSL passthrough : which passes encrypted htttps traffic directly to backend servers without decrypting the traffics at the load balancer level.

ssl offloading: which decrypts all hhtps traffic when it arrives at load balancer and the data is sent to destination server as plain http.

ssl bridgiging: which decrypts all hhtps traffic when it arrives at load balancer and the data is sent to destination server as https traffic by re encrypting.